12 Red Rose Bouquet
Featuring 12 red roses and foliage beautifully gift wrapped and tied with a bow to say "I love you"
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
A few top tips to make the most of your fresh flowers:
- unwrap carefully, and trim the stems approximately 1cm on a diagonal
- make sure your vase or container is clean and fill mid-way with fresh water and the enclosed flower food
- cut the stems every few days and remove any wet leaves
- display away from direct sunlight, radiators, and draughts to prolong the life of your fresh flowers
Freshness Guaranteed
Freshness Guaranteed
Every care will be taken to ensure your order matches the image. However, there may be occasions when our trained florists will need to make substitutions depending on what is available, we will ensure your order meets the same value and is just as beautiful.
Regular price
Regular price
Sale price
Unit price